High quality and functionality also go hand in hand in the colourful myfelt rugs of the multi line. Environmentally friendly dyeing methods and felt made from 100% finest virgin wool form the basis for an all-round natural home accessory in a variety of colour combinations.

A wide selection of single-coloured rugs is available in the mono line. Minimalist design and the natural material felt make the rugs aesthetic companions in the living room, children's room or office. Available as flat felt rugs and felt ball rugs, they create a natural and calm atmosphere. myfelt rugs from the mono line are also available in naturally mottled versions.

With the felt pebble rugs from the myfelt stone line, nature moves into the living space. Their particularly natural look goes hand in hand with a soft surface structure. The rugs from the myfelt stone line are available in three different models and set aesthetic accents. With the felt pebble rugs from the myfelt stone line, nature enters the living space. Their particularly natural look goes hand in hand with a soft surface structure. The rugs from the myfelt stone line are available in three different models and create an aesthetic accent.